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5 Habits That Men Routinely Fall In Love With

Five  Key Things  That Men  Quickly  Fall In Love With
By Clayton Max, Creator  of Infatuation Scripts [LINK HERE]

"A girl  should  be 2  things: elegant  and  remarkable ."-- Coco Chanel

Whether you're looking for  a long-term  companion , or already  have one, it pays to have  the right  attraction  habits .

The thing  about men  is that  they don't always  know exactly how  to convey  what they're searching  for  in a woman .

Many  men  weren't really  shown  about showing  their feelings as youngsters . So it can be tricky    for them to let their partner know about their  desires .

And this causes    misunderstandings  as well as  unfulfilled expectations, which can create issues  in a relationship .

Thankfully , I'm here to give  you an inside view  to how  guys  think about relationships . Drawing from my   experienceand from  helping  my clients , below  are the Top 5 Habits  That Make Men  Crazy About You:

# 1: The Right Way To Play Hard To Get

I know  this could  sound like  familiar territory , but listen up.

Commonly , many  women (and men !) attempt  to create attraction  by putting on a distant-but- I-might-be-attracted -to-you sort of  act.

Likewise , these women  may  wait for  some time  to respond to  messages (a few hours or days)  so they don't look desperate . Even worse,  they  pretend  they've got more important  things to do , hoping  it'll make a man  more interested in  them.

But this  approach  often backfires .

Doing this is confusing  - and   he'll at some point  get sick of  it .  

It's perfectly natural to show  interest in a guy if  you like them , so don't bother playing silly  mind games .

Instead , you can play a slightly different  sort of  game  -- one that focuses on  authenticityand at the same time triggers his curiosity .

Offer  your guy  hints  that you like him, and be engaged  when you're together . Experts say  that a man begins  falling for  a woman as soon as  they know  that they are wanted.

Regarding  "playing hard to get" , that means  actually staying  busy.

Be  to be "busy" or "engaged" with all   of life.  You've got your job , social life, hobbies  and other  interests  that make you well-rounded and happy .

If living    life means that you're  unavailable every so often , that's fine .

Richard Wiseman, who wrote  "59 Seconds: Change Your Life in Under a Minute", did some research on this .

He concluded  that individuals  who  were  hard to get gave the impression  that they are  a high-value person . Nevertheless , they LIKEWISE  had to  be enthusiastic about  the other person  to successfully create attraction .

This way , it placed  the subject in a more balanced  and attractive  light.

Learn About The  'Psychological  Triggers' To Turn on  a Man 's Infatuation Response

# 2: Light His Fire

In short , you need to generate  strong  emotions  within him  when  you're together . He'll then  associate  those emotions  to  you, which   produces  the romantic  spark .

In an MIT research study , behavioral  researchers  identified  that people  have a habit  of transferring  their feelings  from one experience  the next.

What does this mean ?

As an example , if  you almost  hit  another car while driving to work,  you would carry  those traumatic  vibes   into the office . That previous, unconnected  experience would be with you throughout  the rest  of your workday .

This is known as  "psychological  misattribution" or "psychological  leakage " - the human propensity  to attach  strong  emotions  to the nearest  individual , even if they had little to do with it.

Likewise , this means that  being  physically aroused can quickly  convert  into a sexual attraction. So, if you can find a way  to keep your time together  exciting for him - like doing sports  or something physically intensive -- then he'll attach  those feelings onto you.

# 3: Laugh When He Tells A Joke

For sure , many  women responded  to this recommendation  with a raised eyebrow .

But hear me out - this could  be huge  in  your relationship .

First of all , I'm not telling you to roll on the floor laughing  at every one of his awful  "dad-jokes".

But go on an  show it  when his attempts  to amuse you hit the spot .

Studies show  that humor  is a significant  factor in  romantic and sexual  attraction . As you already know, women are attracted  to  guys  that  are funny  since  it's a sign of  intellect  (which is an alluring  trait ).

Researchers from   Westfield State College, University of Western Ontario, and McMaster University state  that "men preferred those who were receptive to their own  humor,  particularly for sexual relationships."

It's not just  that he's looking  to be known as "funny" ... but more to do with  a guy's  desire  to be valued  by his partner .

Trust me , I've met  plenty of  guys  who  have "recognition"  as one of their top priorities  in a relationship.  So, valuing  his humor and personality  is a good place to start .

Use These Scripts To Trigger A Guy 's Infatuation Response  And Observe  The Dramatic Difference In  How He Responds To You - CLICK HERE [LINK HERE]

# 4: Let Your Friends Be Your Cheerleaders

Numerous studies  show that  spending time with  a close  group of friends  around you  boosts    levels of attraction  to men .

For example , there's research from Tilburg University in the Netherlands and the University of California which  both documented the effect of  what's known as  "The Cheerleader Effect."

This basically  shows  that a person 's judgement  of you changes favorably  once you're seen  in a group .

On the surface , you may  assume  it's because  you'll seem  more sociable  and  charming .

But  there's an additional  angle to it. You see, humans  have  a habit  of categorizing  individual components  (like shapes, objects and people) into groups .

This is   a hardwired survival quality  to not   focus  only  on one individual thing  - but  rather  process  the whole  scene   . And this mental-process  also applies to our assessments of other people .

So in a practical sense , you can set  your Facebook  (or  online dating) profile photo  to one  with  a couple of  girlfriends . Just make sure  it's obvious  who  you are in the photo  so you don't disappear  in a  sea of faces!

If you're looking to  meet  a new guy  in  a bar or a  party , make sure  to bring your friends  along too .  Social proof  is a real  phenomenon , so make  use of it .

# 5: Get Sensual

There's really  no  surprise here. Sensual  intimacy  is a key part of   the  relationship .

However  you'd  be shocked  -- and even  downright concerned  -- at the number of women  struggling  in this area .

A lot of  don't even realize  power of using their  feminine appeal  to pull men  in .

And   I'm not saying you need to act  out a scene from  an adult movie  .

I'm saying  that you should  be  aware of  his  desires and what he likes .

For example , some  women underestimate  the immense  power of a gentle  touch.

The majority of  men  go their entire  lives not  knowing  the pure pleasure of a validating  pat on the back, a hug, or other forms  of love .


So using  touch  is an excellent  means  to spark  a deeper connection  -- whether it's brushing against his arm or leg "mistakenly " ...

... or placing  your hand on his arm for a moment .

Remember , guys  love  a flirtatious chase , and the curiosity-igniting  process of  the "slow burn."

And don't forget , men  also  love  variety when it comes to the main event in bed . Spicing things up  every so often  can really keep him excited .

Even Better,    discuss  any fantasies or desires you may have . Maybe there's something  he's curious to try, and you can tell him  your own burning desires, ideas, or fantasies .

One final  point  - there's an additional  quality  I forgot to  mention  earlier, however  it has immense power to make him fall in love .

A study  from  Rutgers University found a unique  psychological  characteristic  in men  known as   an "emotional  tripwire."

When  you understand just how  this works  - and how to utilize  it (which is incredibly  easy by the way ) ...

... your guy  will quickly  go into  a state of intense  infatuation.

It's like a splinter in his mind , and he'll be incapable of thinking  about  any other women in a romantic way -- except  YOU.

There's a free video presentation  teaching  this in STUNNING  detail, so make sure  you're sitting down before watching it:

How To Utilize  Infatuation Scripts To Make Him Sure That You're The One For Him - CLICK HERE [LINK HERE]


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